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  • Once upon a time... America's finest city, I started my own acupuncture and massage therapy clinic. Armed with some skills to treat a variety of general ailments using traditional Chinese medicine, I opened my doors to see all types of patients. As my practice got busier, I found that I really enjoyed solving musculoskeletal pain problems. Specifically, I was beginning to focus on injury, athletic performance, and post-surgical rehabilitation.

    The Balm was Born

    I began to use topical pain relief cream in my treatments as a way to extend the pain relief that my patients experienced in my office. When I looked at the labels of some of these products I was using, I was happy with the ingredients, but I was unsure of their quality and source. It concerned me to the point of contemplating my own pain balm! I knew that in this way, I could control the quality, sourcing, and manufacturing to match the high quality of natural pain treatments that I was providing in my clinic.

    Mom Approved

    Poring over my TCM books and the ancient TCM herbal formulas, I spent almost 2 years testing and retesting ingredient combinations. With my mom suffering from chronic neck and back pain, she was the perfect candidate to provide feedback on my balm variations! There from the start, she and I worked together over the different versions. When I finally struck upon the right formula, she called me up on the phone and I could literally hear it in her voice how much she loved it! I knew that the next step was to test it in my clinic and see what my patients thought.

    Becoming Battle Balm

    At the time I introduced the balm to my clinic patients, I was seeing quite a few athletes for sports injuries. These athletes really enjoyed the balm so much, that they started asking for some to take home. A business idea was launched! All I needed now was a name.
    I chose the name Battle Balm because the formulation is based upon a compilation of ancient Shaolin herbal recipes for injury and pain. The word "Battle" pays homage to those ancient martial arts roots from which Battle Balm was born. I thought it was very fitting and definitely perfect!

    Be Legendary

    Battle Balm is an evolution of ancient herbal medicine for the athletes of today. It is clean, natural, healthy topical pain relief. We source the highest quality plant ingredients for our products. It's the purest form of natural product that exists today. This is how we set ourselves apart from the competition. We're not here for the short term. We're not here for a quick buck. We're here for you, your health, and your performance. This is who we are and this is how we grow our legend. Join us.

    From the Founder

    The whole reason I started Battle Balm was to help pain sufferers like you optimize your health & wellness when they were outside of my clinic. I wanted to create a great product that would help you heal your pain in a safe and natural way.

    I believe in doing the right thing, no matter how hard it is. Creating Battle Balm was not an easy road. It still isn't. But the value our products bring to the industry is unmatched. If you feel like your health is a priority, why would you settle for anything else? Choose Battle Balm and support a brand that believes in you and your health.