If you don't think this is the best dit da jow formula on the market today, we will give you your money back.
No questions asked.
Battle Balm is a hand-crafted jow using a combination of medicinal plants from ancient Shaolin hit fall wine recipes. The "Battle" part of our name pays homage to these roots of combat.
For premium natural products, Battle Balm uses the highest quality natural & organic ingredients.
Battle Balm uses modern science to extract the most powerful parts of the plant ingredients.
Water flows around any and everything. But, it can break through rock and crumble mountains. Tough skin needs water to be strong, flexible, and durable. Battle Balm maximizes moisture retention. Be like water.
Our formulation does 3 things: relieves pain, nourishes skin, & provides antimicrobial protection. This is precisely what every martial artist needs to speed healing and keep training.
○ Premium Eastern & Western medicinal herbs specific for trauma and injury.
○ Over 95% certified organic ingredients.
○ Vitamins & lipids to heal skin faster
○ Moisturizes skin to prevent cracking & tearing
○ Portable, non-messy cream
○ Antibacterial & Antifungal (Clinically tested per USP51)
SEE THE LEGENDARY HERBAL FORMULAPain relief and recovery is what we do. We're happy to help you reach your goals.
Hit us with questions or comments. But, please be patient. We get busy, too!